Do you know golden week? Maybe I think other countries don't have this days. Meaning of golden week is consecutive holidays. It is in April 29 to May 5. April 29 is SHOUWA day, May 3 is constitution day, May 4 is greenery day, and May 5 is children's day.
If Saturday and Sunday add to them, people would get more holidays! However, holiday isn't always in original days. When I was child, I and my family usually went to any where on golden week! For example, we went to Disney land, travel, and my grand prents' home! Every year, maybe I was so fun!! This memory is my treasure!<3
However, my school in Japan is hotel school, and my dream is service man. Maybe golden week is one of most crowd season for service company. I'll be busy in the future..., but I want to be service man!
Thank you for reading!